Snatched - Melissa Johns.

Melissa John’s One Woman show, ‘Snatched’ was both hilarious and gut wrenchingly sad.
Growing up as a teen in the 90s with a disability and exploring her sexuality was nothing short of challenging. Taking us through the ages Johns reflects on her past, both the good stuff and the bad.
Fast forward to 2018 when her iCloud account was hacked and naked photos of her were released online, Johns was subjected to atrocious online trolling.
To say I laughed and cried is an understatement. Johns has created an incredible window into her world. She is bold and daring, and doesn’t shy away from saying it like it is. Poking fun at attitudes towards disabled people, she ultimately hits the audience with the same sledgehammer that fell onto her.
Snatched is a masterful little production.
Soho Theatre - Snatched