"Friday Night Sinner" by Candy Gigi is a bold and fucking hilarious one-woman show.
Accompanied by a pianist - her 'husband' David, Candy belts out some terrific tunes a la West End Musical Theatre.
The entire show is set up as if Candy is hosting a traditional Jewish-style Friday night dinner.
We discover she is a Jewish woman who gave up her dreams of becoming a musical theatre star, as she entered into an arranged marriage with a ( closeted gay) Jewish man whom she finds revolting. She dreams of leaving her mundane life in Borehamwood, becoming famous and being on the front page of the Jewish Chronicle.
Fabulously irreverent in tone and always boundary pushing, the show features hilarious antics, including giant lactating breasts, dildos on foreheads, and a sing-along of "Finish What Hitler Started." God speaks to Candy through a dildo and all the while her subconscious speaks to her in the form of a giant puppet vulva.
Without spoiling the ending - she does finally get her wish to be on the front cover of the Jewish Chronicle in a fabulously dark and twisted finale.
Should you fear audience participation, DO NOT sit near the front! Candy is playfully disrespectful of boundaries in the show, she may gyrate on your lap, ask you to feed her pickles or spray you with 'cum'.
A deliciously shock inducing show not for the faint hearted. I loved it. It was a splendid performance in the face of the easily offended culture of today.
Go see it.
Tickets HERE